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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Village scary female

This story is alittle bit funny. And impossible a story. Just imagine story .
         A small village had, everyone call that village " Female scared village " becouse everymale so scared of female.in that village. 
       Oneday a man call all villager male to do discussion with him. Than they asked that man when they got his house. They him 
" For what discussion friend? " 
That man answered them "hey men we are male we are not female that why we shouldnt scared of our wife anger . i decited like that.
This discussion for choosing a man who has brave to do captain in our village. If so we dont need to scared of our wife again.Than he put a security in front of his house and told him. " if our wife are coming shout us ok? Security said yes brother. I will. 
   Than they do discussion about their plan . At that time security shout loudly "hey guys your wife are coming . run and hide. Than they ran and searched a place to hide . At that time security shouts again " oh im sorry for my wrong. No body come. Im so sorry. Than all men back in their place . at that time they saw aman who doesnt ran and searched a place to hide when security shouted them to ran. They were surprise at that man. And they told that man has a brave . we should choose him to do captain in our village and they were pround for that man so badly And asked that man can u please do captain for us ? We are sporting you .but that man doesnt responed anything. At that time a man thouched him. 
And told "Omg ! He doesnt breath i think he was die" other men what is going? We thought he had brave man. Now he died . at that time security said them 
      I think he got heart attacked when i shouted to you wrong. And Than he died " 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Thuwunna Tharma story

           This story is about Thuwunna Thama who was a cleavers  boy . 
  Onece upon a time, thincarnation. couple:-Dukula and parika. They  felt tired of family life and left for the forest to lives as hermit and yogi.
   Em! The life of monk is very peaceable.
At that time, the indra kisee of devas pondered over the future of Dukula and Parika and he advised them.
  Both of you should have a child to depend on when you are old.
   Oh ! Indra, we renounce the practise of intercourse.
 Indra said, oh dont worry about it, if you rub the womb of Parika with your hand, she will conceive a child.
Dukul thought ! Em as we have no child we should do as the in has adviesd.
     As the Indra has advised, Dukula rubbed the womb of Parika who is his wife, The Buddish-to-be who was the abode of deva passed away and entered into the uterus of Parika.
  About 10 months later the golden son was born.
Dukula look at his son and so happy and said. I will name my son as Thuwanna Thin. 'In this way the child became sixteen years of age.
   One day while Dukula and Parika went into the forest to find the fruits, the heavy rain poured down. Then they look the shelter under abig tree. Then they let's take a shelter under this that tree.
   At that time a snake which lived in the mound under the tree. As the rain water entered its hole and the snake hissed with poison to Dukula and Parika . when the vapour of poison entered into the eyes of Dukula and Parika and they could not see anymore.  And they shout. Ooh my we see can nothing . and then they thought like that. = both of us are going to be helpless. In their present life they became blind and it was becouse when Dukula was a midicine man in his former life he made blind to a patient who did not pay the the bill . He was reaped by the consequence of past misdeed..they couldn't go back home.
   That time their son Thuwunna  said oh may superpower intervene my parents .
 Then he went to the forest to find his parsents . he shout Mother and father. His parents hear his voice. And then they were happy when they heard their son voice . and they shout back oh y son we are here under the tree. But Dukula said to his son . Son dont approach to us, there is vapour of poison around us. Then Thuwunna Tharma threw a rope to his parents and drangged them slowly . he said his parent to come slowly along the creeper.
 Since then Thuwunna Tharma searched the fruits for his parents. He said I must find a lot of fruits for my parents. And then he looked after his parents. He made a string of rope to his parents. Then when the day broke out Thuwunna Tharma after paying homeage to his parents, along with golden deer. Went to MiThanbada refer to fetch the water and thought like that. I must look after my parents whatever they need.
  One day . The king Piliyekkha of the country of Varanasi, went out, he saw Thuwunna Tharma along with the deers. He said . Alas! Thee are pleenty of deer's. What is the shining creature among the deers.. The king did not see Thuwunna Tharma clearly . He thought that it was a strange creature . he thounght Em. To know exactly what kind of creature it is, I wi will throw it with my arrow.  then the arrow released from the bow of the king penetrated the chest of Thuwunna Tharma.. Bcouse  of the force of impact of arrow, Thuwunna Tharma fell down on the spot . The golden deer's rushed alway with fear then. Then Thuwunna Tharma thinks.oh my who shoot me with the arrow? I've no enemy and my parents also have no enemy. To whom I shoot isn't an animal. He is a man i shot him mistakenly. Then the king thought.
   I'm the king Piliyekkha of Varanasi . I goto out hunting and shot u by my mistake with the deer. Thuwunna Tharma said the king back. Your Majesty, I'm the son who is looking after the blind parents. There are fruits only for sisdays there is no water left. If they don't have to drink, my parents will die.. Then thecking said ok dont worry about that. I will continue to look after your parents. Tell me where your parents live. After Thuwunna Tharma had directed the place where his parents lived and he lost consciousness. At that Tim the king oh i suppose that he is dead now tuttut?! He thought em 8 have done misdeed to a person who is looking after his parents. Im very sorry boy. Eventually, the king came to the place where Thuwunna Tharma 's parents lived . they live in a small monastery over there. Dukula hear a football. He asked hey i hear the football who are u?. The king answer I'm the king Piliyekkha of Varansi.
 I have shot your son with arrow by mistake. Now he is dead . I come here to serve you.
Dukula and Parika. Oh my he says our son why doesn the son who look after his parents died such a cruel death?.  Your Mijesty. You need not to look afterus. Please send us to our the place where our son died. The king dont worry i will send ythere .
 When they got near Thuwunna Tharma . Dukula lifted the head of Thuwunna Tharma smoothly and Parika lifted Thuwunna Tharma's legs on her lap and they wept. At that time Parika touched the chest of her son. She felt that he was still alive and they were very glad.. They decided that calm our mind and let's asseverate. My son Thuwunna Tharma keeps the precepts, he always does noblework, he aalways speaks truth and look after his parents and pay due respect to olders. I love my son Thuwunna Tharma more than my own life . I asseerarate the truth so the poison of arrow would abate from his blood... Basing on meritorious deeds that Dukula and I have done, may the poisonof arrow be abated.
  At that thime the angel Bahu Thondary who had been the other of Thuwunna Tharma from seventh. Life also asseverate the truth.
 "I have been living in the mountain of Ghandamar Dhana for along time ,  During these time I have no other one to whom I love more than Thuwunna  In GanDamar Dhana, there is no flower without the frangrant smell . Bassing on this asseveration on truth. May the poison of arrow be abated. "
 After the asseveration on the truth had finished, the poison from arrow in the body of Thuwunna Tharma had abated.
At that time. The king was amazing and told oh very strange. Every creature  largeor small, will die of the poison of my arrow . No one who survive. BBU he is  not dead so he is a powerful man. Thuwunna Tharma. I wonder how you survive"
 "Thuwunna Tharma . your Majesty . because of looking after the parents. The devas help me and protect me.. Your Majesty also should rule the commoners with just and keep precepts..
  The king answered =well . when I get back to Varanasi, I will donate and keep the precepts...
 The end a person who looks after his parents are praised by other in this life and in the next incarnation he will be lived  in wealth.. The End.
  Thank u all reader. Hope everyone love this story about Thuwunna Tharma.. 😊😊👋

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Lord bless you!

Oh you forests and mountains, Lord bless you🙏.
Oh you revers and streams , Lord bless you🙏 .
Oh you sea and oceans, Lord bless you 🙏
The bulldozers are coming 🚶
The backhoes are coming 🚶
The fishing trawler are coming 🚶
Everythings will be destroyed, destroy,
The meritorious'deed of the departed .
Who will say a men ? Lord bless you.