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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Girls life

(Girls life )
 Every vigin girl is like a flower.
 Gentle like flowers.
 Brightness like flowers
.beautiful like  flowers.
lovely like flowers.
Innocent like flowers.

Same girls has poison.for example {Rose flowers or lily flowers} Same girl are simple like other flowers....
 They are all like flowers before someone pluck.
 Same people want to  pluck thos flowers.Major male they want to distroy girls life for their happy life. But i don't mean all male. Same male whom are betrayed. I want every girls keep their vigin life before they get married always.. Girl are believing in everything easily .   We cant tell that is  crime becouse every females is weakness than male...  I'm also  a female. sometime i asked myself like that=why i fall in love with my boyfriend Nero..becouse he also that boy who want destroy girl'life..i knew he was. becouse he always lied on me. but i cant stop loving him. and i will love him no matter how and no matter what..i love him the way he is... same people says im stupid girl.yeah i granted with them becouse im stupid becouse i love him..i love him like acrazy person.cant see anything bc.of him.cany love anyboys again bc of him.he is the only one i love in my life forever.that why i wont listen to anyone again how they talkin about him i dont care..i just care i love him.  tell me a stupid girl forever as u like .im not mad at that...becouse you guys true..
   Anyway thank u everyone. i hope everygirl.can keep thier love.. i hope every girl can find true love oneday in thier life..i hope they will never felt like me bc of love.
 love everyfemale whom live in the world.and respect all . 



Mehul r said...
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Mehul r said...
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Mehul r said...


Mehul r said...

Ya true