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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

All my Experience here.

in the ocean. Tomorrow is for future life.

Cant stop  trying to swim in the ocean and .cant see any land and cant see any road

 Really difficult. sometimes wanna give up.

 But impossible . just put patient and put diligence in mind.  and swim in the ocean ahead how is big.. 

 Much have patient and diligenc to access goal.I want everyone is not Give up thier dreams even if it is  impossible.we dont know what will happen..

My last trip in Mandalay in 2007


  My last trips in Mondalay in 2007.

 With my parsents and my sister

 I met my friends alot in there.

          We were happy together

        I cant forget that trip.

      Wanna go back in there.

    Mandalay view was really beautiful.  That is never fad up to watching . oh  Myanmar view are really beautiful if u would like to visit in Mynamar make sure you will appreciate for visiting becouse Burmese  people are so kind and  hospitalble ..  And

their mind is really gentle. really nice and really good .I love Burmese people so much and i love my region









My best friend who is really kind for me.
I i have best frien on twitter Media alot.
But best friends the most i love in my life
I love them so much.
i love this pic so much .one of my best friend Meg sent me.
He is so kind and a good_nature man..
He also helped me everything i want.
He is my benefacetor.he is from UK also one of my fav.country
Than u so much MeG <3
U will neve forget Meg until i die.
i have never seen his face.
But that is ok . I believe him.that why i told my
Secret to him sometimes.
Reason is i really believe him.
Thank so much for everything  MeG.


Mehul r said...


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