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Monday, August 1, 2016

Unluck girl.

  This story is about a girl who was unlucky.
 She was always dreamed about aboy .but she has never met him outside.

 One day she went a trip by express bus  with her parents and sister..10minutes or 13minutes before the car left .Two boys attended in the car.And then they sited beside her .then aboy asked her. "Hi have we met some where? she looked at him and surprised .becouse the boy was in her dreamed boy.but she answered him no...Then he said her. "aww i remember i saw you in my dreamed every  days and show her identity." And then he took his drawing book in his bag.in that book he drew her pics after he dreamed. in thoes pics he holded her hand tightly. she said him " oh i know this pic. you holded my hand tightly and picked me to temple and flowers garden. right? The boy also surprised becoues she can says about that pic. then he askes her " how do you know about this pic? she siad actually I also dreamed about you too.. the boy smiled then. and told her "im really glad to know you also dreamed about me.so strange becouse our dreamed were the same. then they were talking about their dream through in the car. and her sister said "oh you are lucky girl becouse you can meet that boy who was in your dreamed the end .you just found him for along time" . At that time upset. becouse she suddenly got headache then she fell asleepy ... when she  woke up the boy wasnt in the car. she asked car-driver .he said the boy left at Phyu City...  she really sad then... since that day .they have no contact each other ..  alittle bit long time. she was fall in love with aboy on twitter Media. and she loves him so much... after 7months later she met the boy who was in her dreamed again in Yangon. The boy asked her "Why didnt you contact me? she said i didnt know how to contact you . .. he told oh I wrote a letter for you and put that on your seat .didnt you see?" she said yes  and told him so sorry. The boy gave his phone number and asked her phone number then.  they talked every day on phone... One day the boy asked her to do date .. she said him " oh im so sorry boy you late. becouse i got boyfriend. and i love him so much and more then i can say... the boy cried after he heard that... but she  said him to touch with her like abest friend... he granted with that and said appreciate with that. then they became bestfriend... now they are best friendd.. but she said she is unlucky girl. becouse her boyfriend always ignored her left her and lied on her.That why she always thought she is unlucky girl.. but never hates her boyfriend how he lied on her how he ignored her... she always for  him ..... she is still waiting her boyfriend contact....  A
 And always cry when she is missing him


Mehul r said...

that's really sad story ,it's heart touching one ,when i red it first time that's were night at my country 11:pm and i cry a lot in taht night ,and ya that's not the and of story ,unlikey girl your real love will came soon ,i will pray for him ,god bless you.

Mehul r said...

Your Privacy is making problem ,security is toooooo high i think i can't comment here

Mehul r said...

Your Privacy is making problem ,security is toooooo high i think i can't comment here,i think i'm not allow to do comment

Unknown said...

My fav.