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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Village scary female

This story is alittle bit funny. And impossible a story. Just imagine story .
         A small village had, everyone call that village " Female scared village " becouse everymale so scared of female.in that village. 
       Oneday a man call all villager male to do discussion with him. Than they asked that man when they got his house. They him 
" For what discussion friend? " 
That man answered them "hey men we are male we are not female that why we shouldnt scared of our wife anger . i decited like that.
This discussion for choosing a man who has brave to do captain in our village. If so we dont need to scared of our wife again.Than he put a security in front of his house and told him. " if our wife are coming shout us ok? Security said yes brother. I will. 
   Than they do discussion about their plan . At that time security shout loudly "hey guys your wife are coming . run and hide. Than they ran and searched a place to hide . At that time security shouts again " oh im sorry for my wrong. No body come. Im so sorry. Than all men back in their place . at that time they saw aman who doesnt ran and searched a place to hide when security shouted them to ran. They were surprise at that man. And they told that man has a brave . we should choose him to do captain in our village and they were pround for that man so badly And asked that man can u please do captain for us ? We are sporting you .but that man doesnt responed anything. At that time a man thouched him. 
And told "Omg ! He doesnt breath i think he was die" other men what is going? We thought he had brave man. Now he died . at that time security said them 
      I think he got heart attacked when i shouted to you wrong. And Than he died "