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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Diary of two mountaineer

           Diary of Aung Myint Myat and Wai Yan Tu 

         The mountain in the forest.The cloud above on the mountain.

   The rain above on the cloud.The stars above on the cloud. 

 Alot of the color in the forest.

 lose out two mountaineer in the coloring of forest between a nice view..when will finished  painting color.. ?

everyone has been waiting you both (Aung Myint Myat and Wai Yan Tu) we will never forget both of you and your bravely mind.always respect you both. and always miss u both .

How second is gone.How minute is gone.how times is gone

.how days is gone.how months is gone.

how years is gone.in our mind you both are always the first   knight in Myanmar .that is never change in our mind.







Monday, August 29, 2016

This view of shan state Also my home down.

    shan state is always cold. the weather is every nice.

   i love that weather so much.becouse always cold. everyone says shan people are the most polit .im really appreciate when i heard that from them and they proudly of shan people.im also proud of myself.lol when i lived in there i was really happy becouse all people are so peacetiful..and have akind-heart...male are also a good-nature men.becouse they never destroy any female's life.if they love a girl they asked that girl family first before they do dated with that girl then they do dated with girl who they love.. 

but i have never seen thos male in Yangon untill now.. i cant found that reason yet..alot people have idea in Yangon..but they just want to destroy female's life .West people are also the same.Major business men and a rich men. they dont want to respect on any female..they alwayd thought how to destroy female' life... OMG!!! but thier brain so bright.. for everthing. but i dont pround of them for that..becouse thier brain are bright how to destroy people life whom are poor..sometime i asked myself this question== why i fall in love with my boyfriend Nero..i think he also that boy who want to destroy gril's life.i knew that he was..

     why i cant see his mistake .i think reason is i love him so much...









Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Girls life

(Girls life )
 Every vigin girl is like a flower.
 Gentle like flowers.
 Brightness like flowers
.beautiful like  flowers.
lovely like flowers.
Innocent like flowers.

Same girls has poison.for example {Rose flowers or lily flowers} Same girl are simple like other flowers....
 They are all like flowers before someone pluck.
 Same people want to  pluck thos flowers.Major male they want to distroy girls life for their happy life. But i don't mean all male. Same male whom are betrayed. I want every girls keep their vigin life before they get married always.. Girl are believing in everything easily .   We cant tell that is  crime becouse every females is weakness than male...  I'm also  a female. sometime i asked myself like that=why i fall in love with my boyfriend Nero..becouse he also that boy who want destroy girl'life..i knew he was. becouse he always lied on me. but i cant stop loving him. and i will love him no matter how and no matter what..i love him the way he is... same people says im stupid girl.yeah i granted with them becouse im stupid becouse i love him..i love him like acrazy person.cant see anything bc.of him.cany love anyboys again bc of him.he is the only one i love in my life forever.that why i wont listen to anyone again how they talkin about him i dont care..i just care i love him.  tell me a stupid girl forever as u like .im not mad at that...becouse you guys true..
   Anyway thank u everyone. i hope everygirl.can keep thier love.. i hope every girl can find true love oneday in thier life..i hope they will never felt like me bc of love.
 love everyfemale whom live in the world.and respect all . 


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Charity and Precepts

Charities is cannot reach to the abode of brahma.
But Precepts is can help us to reach abode of brahma.
That why we should to precepts alot.
Becouse of the precepts one can be a king at least. In the middle state, one can be a deva and the higest is in brama. So precepts is more noble.
Death will not distinguish between young and old.
         If you will not escape from that when you become a king.a rich .a popular. a eduater
        Monk will not worry about the past and future either. Monk is as peace as the moon in the sky..

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

All my Experience here.

in the ocean. Tomorrow is for future life.

Cant stop  trying to swim in the ocean and .cant see any land and cant see any road

 Really difficult. sometimes wanna give up.

 But impossible . just put patient and put diligence in mind.  and swim in the ocean ahead how is big.. 

 Much have patient and diligenc to access goal.I want everyone is not Give up thier dreams even if it is  impossible.we dont know what will happen..

My last trip in Mandalay in 2007


  My last trips in Mondalay in 2007.

 With my parsents and my sister

 I met my friends alot in there.

          We were happy together

        I cant forget that trip.

      Wanna go back in there.

    Mandalay view was really beautiful.  That is never fad up to watching . oh  Myanmar view are really beautiful if u would like to visit in Mynamar make sure you will appreciate for visiting becouse Burmese  people are so kind and  hospitalble ..  And

their mind is really gentle. really nice and really good .I love Burmese people so much and i love my region









My best friend who is really kind for me.
I i have best frien on twitter Media alot.
But best friends the most i love in my life
I love them so much.
i love this pic so much .one of my best friend Meg sent me.
He is so kind and a good_nature man..
He also helped me everything i want.
He is my benefacetor.he is from UK also one of my fav.country
Than u so much MeG <3
U will neve forget Meg until i die.
i have never seen his face.
But that is ok . I believe him.that why i told my
Secret to him sometimes.
Reason is i really believe him.
Thank so much for everything  MeG.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Unluck girl.

  This story is about a girl who was unlucky.
 She was always dreamed about aboy .but she has never met him outside.

 One day she went a trip by express bus  with her parents and sister..10minutes or 13minutes before the car left .Two boys attended in the car.And then they sited beside her .then aboy asked her. "Hi have we met some where? she looked at him and surprised .becouse the boy was in her dreamed boy.but she answered him no...Then he said her. "aww i remember i saw you in my dreamed every  days and show her identity." And then he took his drawing book in his bag.in that book he drew her pics after he dreamed. in thoes pics he holded her hand tightly. she said him " oh i know this pic. you holded my hand tightly and picked me to temple and flowers garden. right? The boy also surprised becoues she can says about that pic. then he askes her " how do you know about this pic? she siad actually I also dreamed about you too.. the boy smiled then. and told her "im really glad to know you also dreamed about me.so strange becouse our dreamed were the same. then they were talking about their dream through in the car. and her sister said "oh you are lucky girl becouse you can meet that boy who was in your dreamed the end .you just found him for along time" . At that time upset. becouse she suddenly got headache then she fell asleepy ... when she  woke up the boy wasnt in the car. she asked car-driver .he said the boy left at Phyu City...  she really sad then... since that day .they have no contact each other ..  alittle bit long time. she was fall in love with aboy on twitter Media. and she loves him so much... after 7months later she met the boy who was in her dreamed again in Yangon. The boy asked her "Why didnt you contact me? she said i didnt know how to contact you . .. he told oh I wrote a letter for you and put that on your seat .didnt you see?" she said yes  and told him so sorry. The boy gave his phone number and asked her phone number then.  they talked every day on phone... One day the boy asked her to do date .. she said him " oh im so sorry boy you late. becouse i got boyfriend. and i love him so much and more then i can say... the boy cried after he heard that... but she  said him to touch with her like abest friend... he granted with that and said appreciate with that. then they became bestfriend... now they are best friendd.. but she said she is unlucky girl. becouse her boyfriend always ignored her left her and lied on her.That why she always thought she is unlucky girl.. but never hates her boyfriend how he lied on her how he ignored her... she always for  him ..... she is still waiting her boyfriend contact....  A
 And always cry when she is missing him